Monday, 30 January 2012

We are proud, we hold, we are us, Huns

Letters from Turkey
My dear Aunt,

I suggest we should really move on from the Fundamental Law of Hungary to more fundamental questions, such as the tragic shortage of geographical maps in the US of America.

Americans need our help if we can find them on this Globe without maps!

I know you and I knew you would cherish this text. Why does it bug your mind that I am not so enthusiastic about it? Also, why do you feel to be personally offended by some EU politicians coining the Law as nationalistic rather than patriotic. You did not write this! You do not have to identify with this! And then you must of course , because you are first of all a member of communities, religious, ethnic, cultural – and only then an independent individual. The Law eloquently summerises this: “We hold that individual freedom can only be complete in cooperation with others.”. But I hold that true cooperation with others can only be based on individual freedom. Scratch cooperation in lack of individual freedom and you find coercion. Do you see the difference?

I am first of all an individual
(as we are all different:

Five year old Johnny loves his mother, moreover, he IS in love – he promised to marry her when he grows up. You ask him why, he tells you that Mom is the kindest, the most beautiful, the whateverist. And it may sound odd but true, if you listen to the little men at the playground you might hear them competing on the beauty of their mothers or strength of their fathers (gender stereotypes – I know - but that is not the point here). They may even fight over the issue, little 5 year olds, whose mother is the cutest.

But little children, chimps or ducklings do not love Mom for her beauty. It is the other way around. They see her beautiful because they love her. So simple. The need to get attached to the caregiver is hardwired in their brain. This is the basis for imprinting learning. Now, you may love your mother-tongue, your home, your village, your contry, your religion, your nation, your culture, fine. But to appreciate all this you do not need to prove your stuff is superior over my stuff. You were simply brought up in this, you are imprinted, enjoy.

So please do not give me a list of things you are proud of to make me compete.

We are proud of the outstanding intellectual achievements of the Hungarian people.” Outstanding, compared to whom? Us Turks? We built steam baths in Buda (still working) at the time when even kings of Europe did not clean their genitals regularly.

We are proud that this people fought in defense of Europe for many centuries...” Well, in defense of whom? Again, us Turks? If you look at the map, seriously, which power was in between the Ottoman Empire and Europe at that time? The Huns? Of course not, they were the Hapsburgs.

And we could go on and on. I love you more than fighting over words. You happen to like sentences starting with “shell be obliged” and I don't. You seem to love statements with deep emotional charge, I don't. I love facts, you do not mind. You are a painter, I am in math. I am free, and you are sinking into soft dictatorship without noticing it. At the beginning. Holding your breath does not help. Keep an oxygen tank at hand. And honey for your cup of tea.

Still love you, but let us find some common grounds, bye...

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